Erectile Dysfunction Medicine

If you are a male and suffer from erectile dysfunction, you may have tried a range of products to treat your symptoms. The problem is that many products do not address the cause of your ED, and in some cases, they can actually make the condition worse. Here are some common remedies for erectile dysfunction that do not work. Erectile dysfunction medicine for men who just have to take it occasionally is a great start. This is an erectile dysfunction medication that works well if you need to get an erection but can wait until the next day. However, it has been found to have a negative impact on other aspects of men's sexual health. Drinking alcohol or eating too much food while taking this medicine will reduce its effectiveness, particularly when taken together. Wait at least one hour after eating before taking Viagra. Another common solution is the patch. These are small pieces of adhesive tape placed on the penis. Once the tape is on, the penis is left in a semi-erect state, ...