Is herbal treatment for Piles safe and effective? Many people suffer from this condition, so you can assume that there are people out there who are interested in knowing how it works. You also have to consider that herbal remedies are not FDA approved, so it's very difficult to find out how well the product does. The best thing to do if you are concerned about herbal treatment for Piles (Bawaseer) is to talk to your doctor or health care provider. They will be able to give you the medical history of the person you are considering, as well as tell you whether or not they should try a herbal treatment for Piles. They can tell you if the person is at risk for side effects and other problems that could come with herbal treatments. However, there are plenty of benefits to using an herbal remedy for Piles. There are some very good things about herbal remedies and they are very safe. Some people are not even aware that they have the condition until they take a course of medicine tha